Tahukah Anda cara menggunakan kata kerja (verb) to be dalam present simple? Baca penjelasannya untuk membantu Anda.
Lihatlah contoh-contoh ini untuk melihat bagaimana kita menggunakan to be dalam present simple.
- I'm a student.
- My mum's a doctor.
- They aren't very busy.
- Is he a teacher?
Penjelasan Tata Bahasa
Kita dapat menggunakan present simple dari verb to be untuk membicarakan situasi dan keadaan di masa sekarang.
Affirmative |
Negative |
Question |
I am |
I am not |
Am I? |
You/we/they are |
You/we/they are not |
Are you/we/they? |
He/she/it is |
He/she/it is not |
Is he/she/it? |
Kita dapat menyingkat verb, terutama ketika kita sedang berbicara.
- I am a shop assistant. = I'm a shop assistant.
- You are a good friend! = You're a good friend!
- He is my wife's brother. = He's my wife's brother.
- We are very busy at the moment. = We're very busy at the moment.
- They are on holiday in Italy. = They're on holiday in Italy.
Untuk bentuk negatif, gunakan not setelah kata kerja. Kita dapat menyingkat verbnya atau tidak.
- I am not at work. = I'm not at work. Note: I amn't is not possible.
- She is not a student. = She's not a student. = She isn't a student.
- Money is not important. = Money's not important. = Money isn't important.
- We are not hungry. = We're not hungry. = We aren't hungry.
- They are not at home. = They're not at home. = They aren't at home.
Pertanyaan (Questions)
Untuk pertanyaan, ubah urutan am, is atau are dan orangnya.
- Are you tired?
- Is she Mexican?
- Is this your phone?
- Are we late?
- Are they your children?
Jawaban Singkat
Affirmative |
Negative |
(Verb contracted) |
(not contracted) |
Yes, I am. |
No, I am not. |
No, I'm not. |
No, I amn't. |
Yes, you are. |
No, you are not. |
No, you're not. |
No, you aren't. |
Yes, we are. |
No, we are not. |
No, we're not. |
No, we aren't. |
Yes, they are. |
No, they are not. |
No, they're not. |
No, they aren't. |
Yes, he is. |
No, he is not. |
No, he's not. |
No, he isn't. |
Yes, she is. |
No, she is not. |
No, she's not. |
No, she isn't. |
Yes, it is. |
No, it is not. |
No, it's not. |
No, it isn't. |
Perhatikan bahwa dengan jawaban singkat, kita hanya menggunakan singkatan tanpa jawaban.
Pertanyaan Dengan Kata Tanya
Kita juga bisa membuat pertanyaan dengan menggunakan kata tanya seperti where, when, who atau what. Kita menempatkan kata tanya di awal.
- Where are you from? I'm from Brazil.
- When is the meeting? It's next Tuesday.
- Who's she? She's my sister.
- What time is it? It's six o'clock.
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