Apakah Anda tahu cara membuat pertanyaan? Baca penjelasannya untuk membantu Anda.
Lihatlah contoh-contoh ini untuk melihat bagaimana pertanyaan dibuat.
- Is he a teacher?
- Does she eat meat?
- When did you get here?
- How much does a train ticket cost?
Penjelasan Tata Bahasa (Grammar)
Untuk membuat pertanyaan, kita sering meletakkan kata kerja (verb) sebelum subjek. Ini disebut inversi (inversion).
Affirmative |
Question |
I am late. |
Am I late? |
I can help. |
Can I help? |
She is sleeping. |
Is she sleeping? |
We have met before. |
Have we met before? |
Jika ada kata tanya (why, what, where, how, dan sebagainya), kata itu diletakkan sebelum verb.
Question |
Question with question word |
Are you late? |
Why are you late? |
Was she there? |
When was she there? |
Can I help? |
How can I help? |
Have we met before? |
Where have we met before? |
Hal ini berlaku untuk kalimat dengan be, kalimat yang memiliki kata kerja bantu (auxiliary verbs) (misalnya They are waiting. She has finished.) dan kalimat dengan kata kerja modal (modal verbs) (can, will, should, might, dll.).
Pertanyaan Dalam Present Simple dan Past Simple
Untuk verb lainnya dalam present simple, kita menggunakan auxiliary verb do/does pada pertanyaannya.
Affirmative |
Question |
Question with question word |
You work at home. |
Do you work at
home? |
Where do you work? |
It costs £10. |
Does it cost £10? |
How much does it cost? |
Kita menggunakan auxiliary verb did di past simple.
Affirmative |
Question |
Question with question word |
She went home. |
Did she go home? |
Where did she go? |
They went to the cinema. |
Did they go to
the cinema? |
Where did they go? |
Pertanyaan Subjek
Dalam beberapa pertanyaan, who atau what adalah subjek untuk kata kerjanya. Tidak ada inversi subjek dan verb dalam pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini.
- Who broke the window?
- Who is knocking on the door?