Tahukah Anda cara menggunakan there is dan there are? Baca penjelasannya untuk membantu Anda.
Lihatlah contoh-contoh ini untuk melihat bagaimana kita menggunakan there is dan there are.
- There's a very big park in my city.
- There aren't any street markets.
- There are no restaurants in the station.
- But there's a café and a bank.
Penjelasan Tata Bahasa (Grammar)
Kita menggunakan there is untuk mengatakan bahwa sesuatu itu ada di suatu tempat.
- There is a bridge in the park.
Kita menggunakan there is untuk kata benda tunggal (singular nouns) dan there are untuk kata benda jamak (plural nouns).
- There is a restaurant in the station.
- There are two cafés in the shopping centre.
Kita dapat menggunakan there's ketika kita berbicara. Tapi there are tidak memiliki bentuk pendek.
- There is a restaurant in the station. > There's a restaurant in the station.
- There are two cafés. >
There're two cafés.
Ketika kita berbicara secara tidak formal (informal) dan membuat daftar hal-hal, kita sering menggunakan there is atau there's, bukan there are.
- There's a café, a supermarket and a bus stop on my street. (Instead of There are a café, a supermarket and a bus stop on my street.)
Untuk bentuk negatif, kita menggunakan there isn't atau there's not (= there is not) untuk singular nouns dan there aren't (= there are not) untuk plural nouns.
- There isn't a pharmacy near the hotel.
- There aren't any restaurants near the hotel.
Kita sering menggunakan there isn't a + singular nouns, there isn't any + kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung (uncountable noun), dan there aren't any + plural noun.
- There isn't a café near here.
- There isn't any milk.
- There aren't any toilets in the park.
Untuk menunjukkan bahwa kata negatif itu penting, kita juga sering menggunakan there is no + uncountable noun dan there are no + plural noun. (Ada kemungkinan untuk menggunakan there is no + singular, tetapi ini tidak umum.)
- There's no milk.
- There are no toilets in the park.
Pertanyaan (Questions)
Untuk pertanyaan, kita mengatakan is there untuk singular nouns dan uncountable nouns, dan are there untuk plural nouns.
- Is there a café near here?
- Is there any milk in the fridge?
- Are there any toilets in the park?
Untuk menjawabnya kita bilang yes, there is (bukan yes, there's) atau no, there isn't, atau yes, there are atau no, there aren't.
- Is there a café near here? Yes, there is. / No, there isn't.
- Is there any milk in the fridge? Yes, there is. / No, there isn't.
- Are there any toilets in the park? Yes, there are. / No, there aren't.
Berikut ini ringkasan bentuk-bentuk tersebut.
singular |
plural |
affirmative |
there is |
there are |
negative |
there is not |
there are not |
negative + a/any |
there isn't a ... (countable) |
there aren't any ... |
negative + no |
there is no ... |
there are no ... |
question |
Is there ...? |
Are there ...? |
Bentuk Verb Lainnya
Kita bisa menggunakan there is dan there are dalam banyak bentuk verb lainnya.
- There was a storm last night. (Past simple)
- There were a lot of cars on the roads yesterday. (Past simple)
- There will be a lot of people at the shopping centre tomorrow. (Future simple)