Apakah Anda tahu cara menggunakan frasa seperti much shorter than, almost as fit, dan exactly the same as? Uji apa yang Anda ketahui dengan latihan interaktif dan baca penjelasan untuk membantu Anda.
Lihatlah contoh-contoh ini untuk melihat bagaimana perbandingan dapat dimodifikasi.
- He's much shorter than his brother.
- Good-quality socks are almost as important as your running shoes.
- Our hotel room was exactly the same as the photos showed.
Penjelasan tata Bahasa
Ada beberapa cara berbeda untuk membandingkan sesuatu dalam bahasa Inggris. Kita juga dapat memodifikasi perbandingan untuk menunjukkan perbedaan besar atau kecil.
Kita dapat menggunakan kata sifat komparatif untuk membandingkan hal-hal yang berbeda.
- Max is taller than Judy.
- You're more patient than I am.
- His first book is less interesting than his second.
Kita dapat menggunakan as ... as dengan kata sifat untuk mengatakan bahwa dua hal itu sama, atau not as ... as untuk mengatakan bahwa satu hal lebih kecil dari yang lain.
- Her hair is as long as mine.
- It's not as sunny as yesterday.
Kita juga dapat menggunakan ekspresi seperti different from, similar to, dan the same as.
- England is different from the United Kingdom.
- His car is similar to mine.
- The results from the first test are the same as the results from the second.
Showing big differences
Kita dapat menggunakan much, so much, a lot, even atau far dengan kata sifat perbandingan.
- Sales in July were a lot higher than sales in June.
- He was far less experienced than the other applicant.
Kita dapat menggunakan nowhere near dengan as ... as.
- The interview was nowhere near as difficult as the written exam.
Kita dapat menggunakan very, really, completely atau totally dengan different from.
- They may be twins, but they're completely different from each other.
Showing small differences
Kita dapat menggunakan slightly, a little, a bit, a little bit atau not much dengan kata sifat komparatif.
- The number of registrations has been slightly lower than we expected.
- Houses in my city are not much more expensive than flats.
Kita dapat menggunakan almost, nearly, not quite, roughly, more or less atau about dengan as … as dan the same as.
- She's almost as old as I am.
- The figures for May are more or less the same as the figures for June.
Kita bisa menggunakan very atau really dengan similar to.
- My son looks really similar to my father when he was that age.
Showing there is no difference
Kita dapat menggunakan exactly the same as atau just as ... as untuk menekankan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan.
- My grandma's cakes still taste exactly the same as when I was a child!
- A new phone can be just as expensive as a new computer these days.
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