Thursday, September 28, 2023



Langkah 1 
Dengarkan Audio dibawah ini sebanyak 3 kali. Lakukan kegiatan ini walaupun Anda tidak bisa memahami sepenuhnya. 

Difficult Situations

Langkah 2 
Pelajari Teks dari Audio tersebut. Pastikan Anda benar-benar memahami isi audio tersebut. Pastikan pula Anda memahami arti setiap kata dan kalimat, tanpa ada yang terlewatkan. 


Boy: Mum?
Mother: Yes?
Boy: You know that Economics exam I had last week?
Mother: The one you didn’t revise for?
Boy: I did revise for it. I was working on it all weekend. Don’t you remember?
Mother: Oh, yes, I remember. Apart from going out until four in the morning, you mean?
Boy: Well, I have to relax a little, even if I’m revising. Anyway, I didn’t pass it.
Mother: You failed it! But wasn’t that an important one?
Boy: Yeah, I’m really sorry.
Mother: I’m really sorry too. What does that mean?
Boy: Well, I’ll probably have to retake the whole course.
Mother: Oh, Ryan! It’s a really expensive course. I’m not sure we can afford for you to take it again. Things are difficult enough as it is.
Boy: I know, Mum. I’m sorry. I’ll talk to the teacher again and see if I can retake it.
Girl 1: Hi, Megan. How are you?
Girl 2: Not feeling too good, actually.
Girl 1: Oh? Why’s that?
Girl 2: Well, something terrible happened this morning ... (voice trembling)
Girl 1: What? Sorry, take your time, and tell me when you’re ready.
Girl 2: Well, I was playing with Bonzo in the garden with a ball, and the ball went over the hedge into the road, and ...
Girl 1: Yes?
Girl 2: And Bonzo jumped over the hedge after it and he got hit by a car.
Girl 1: Oh, no! And is he ... ?
Girl 2: Yes. We took him to the vet’s immediately, but there was nothing she could do.
Girl 1: Oh, poor Bonzo. And poor you. I know how much he meant to you.
Girl 2: We’d had him since he was a tiny puppy. He was like one of the family.
Girl 1: I’m really sorry. At least he had a happy life.
Girl 2: His life was too short!
Girl 1: Well, yes, OK. I’m sorry, that was a really insensitive thing to say. I’ll come round and see you later, OK?
Boy: Hi, Dad.
Father: Hi, how’s it going?
Boy: Did you have a good day at work?
Father: Same as usual, really. What about you? Good day at school?
Boy: Yeah, pretty good. Except for one little thing ...
Father: Why do I have a sinking feeling in my stomach?
Boy: Do you remember you lent me your phone?
Father: Yes?
Boy: Well, I was standing just outside school, texting Jack, and somebody ran past and grabbed it.
Father: You let someone steal my phone?
Boy: I didn’t let them.
Father: No, I suppose not. But did you know that that might happen? Is that a dangerous spot?
Boy: Well, I had heard of that happening, but I’d forgotten. Anyway, I didn’t think it would happen to me.
Father: No, OK. Did you see who it was?
Boy: No. It was someone in a blue tracksuit, and there are loads of people who wear those. But there’s a CCTV camera on the entrance. It might have got a shot of the thief’s face.
Father: You reported it then?
Boy: Well, not yet, but I will tomorrow.
Father: All right. Don’t forget to report it tomorrow. I’ll have a look at the insurance and see if it’s covered.


stomach = perut
grab = merebut
steal = mencuri
dangerous = berbahaya
forgotten = melupakan
tracksuit = baju olahraga
insurance = asuransi
sink = tenggelam
afford = mampu
trembling = gemetaran
hedge = pagar
got hit by a car = ditabrak mobil
vet = dokter hewan
tiny = mungil
puppy = anak anjing
covered = tertutup

Langkah 3 
Dengarkan Audionya dan baca teksnya secara bersamaan. Lakukan beberapa kali sampai Anda benar-benar percaya diri.

Langkah 4 
Dengarkan audionya tanpa melihat teks. Lakukan kegiatan ini minimal 20 kali. Jika ada yang lupa, lihat kembali teksnya. Gunakan lembar Listening Check List untuk menandai aktivitas Anda. 

Langkah 5 
Ceritakan kembali isi audio tersebut dengan menggunakan kata-kata dan kalimat Anda sendiri. Rekamlah suara Anda dan dengarkan berkali-kali sambil menganalisa kebenaran grammar dan pengucapannya.

Langkah 6
Mendengarkan sambil menulis (writing - dictation). Langkah ini sangat penting untuk melatih ketajaman pendengaran dan ketelitian menulis Bahasa Inggris.

Lakukan langkah ini secara disiplin. Jangan terburu-buru pindah ke level berikutnya sebelum Anda benar-benar menguasai Modul ini.