Tahukah Anda cara menggunakan inversi setelah kata
keterangan negatif seperti Not only, Barely, dan Only? Uji apa yang Anda
ketahui dengan latihan interaktif dan baca penjelasan untuk membantu Anda.
Lihatlah contoh-contoh berikut untuk melihat bagaimana kita menggunakan inversi setelah kata keterangan negatif.
- Never have I been so happy to see someone.
- Not only did he win the match but he came back from a difficult start.
- Barely had she got back in bed when her alarm went off.
Penjelasan tata Bahasa
'Inversion' berarti membalikkan (membalikkan) urutan kata subjek-kata kerja
normal dalam sebuah kalimat.
Kita dapat menggunakan inversi untuk menambahkan penekanan, terutama dalam bahasa Inggris formal. Hal ini biasa terjadi, misalnya, dalam pidato politik, karena memiliki efek persuasif dan mengesankan.
Untuk membalikkan kalimat dengan cara ini, kita meletakkan kata keterangan (misalnya never, rarely, not only, dll.) di awal kalimat dan mengubah posisi normal subjek dan kata kerja bantu.
- Not only did they arrive late
but they talked throughout the film.
(They not only arrived late but they talked throughout the film.)
Jika tidak ada kata kerja bantu, kita perlu menambahkannya. Misalnya, kita menambahkan do untuk kata kerja simple present dan did untuk kata kerja simple past.
- Rarely do we find such
(We rarely find such talent.)
Never, rarely, seldom
Kata keterangan ini sering digunakan dengan present perfect, past perfect, atau modal seperti can dan could.
- Never had they seen so many people in the village.
- Seldom has she taken a day off work.
- Rarely can a patient fully recover from such an injury.
Hardly, barely, scarcely, no sooner
Kata keterangan ini sering merujuk pada kejadian yang dengan cepat mengikuti kejadian lain di masa lalu dan biasanya digunakan dengan bentuk lampau. Hardly, scarcely, dan barely diikuti dengan when dalam klausa yang kontras, dan no sooner diikuti dengan than.
- Hardly had we sat down when we were told to evacuate the building.
- Scarcely had the votes been counted when the new president was pushed in front of TV cameras.
- No sooner had the game started than the captain was taken ill.
- No sooner was the new park open than it started raining.
Only + time expression
Ini termasuk only after, only if/when, only then dan only later.
- Only when they refilled my glass did I realise it was broken.
- Only later did they discover they hadn't been told the truth.
Phrases with no dan not
Ini termasuk under no circumstances, on no account, at no time, in no way, on no condition, not until dan not only.
- Under no circumstances should children travel without an adult.
- In no way did we agree to this.
Dalam kalimat-kalimat ini, little memiliki makna negatif atau membatasi.
- Little do people realise how
hard it is to be a chef.
(People don't realise how hard it is to be a chef.)
Little did she know then that she would become
the company director.
(She didn't know then that she would become the company director.)