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Color red The color is red. blue The color is blue. red and blue purple Red and blue make purple. yellow The color is yellow. blue and yellow green Blue and yellow make green. yellow and red orange Yellow and red make orange. red, blue, and yellow black Red, blue, and yellow make black. red purple blue green yellow orange black red The color is red. white The color is white. red and white pink Red and white make pink. black The color is black. white and black grey White and black make grey. orange The color is orange. black and orange brown Black and orange make brown. red pink white grey black brown orange We are living in a colorful world! rainbow red orange yellow green blue indigo violet red orange yellow green blue indigo violet These are rainbow colors!
make = membuat purple = ungu white = putih grey = abbu-abu brown = cokelat rainbow = indigo violetelangi these = ini
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